One Month into GSoC with mlpack
Hi Everyone,
Yes, I remember I said that I would be writing a blog every week but as you can see this is my blog after approx a month after a started working. Anyway, let’s cut to the chase for everyone who’s here to see where we are right now.
First of all, we were able to get all the model types in Resnet ready for the merge with their preTrained versions, So kinda like 5 models each with a trained and an untrained version of them.
The second task was to implement Mobilenet V1 but for that first, I had to work on Separable Convolutions and RelU6 and I am happy that for both of these I have PRs which should be good to merge after a review.
So that’s all for where we are right now. I will also link the references below for everything I have talked about.
Sneak Peek into my life:
- I spam my PRs with a lot of comments about the current situation of the code.
- I started watching Rick and Morty(AGAIN).
- In general, I am pretty happy that I have great things to work on.
- Also thinking to get a raspberry pi 4 for hobby projects.
I believe that’s all that I have.
- Resnet Models
- PR for Separable Convolutions, RelU6 and MobileNet V1
- Discussion Issue for MobileNet V1